Quality and Environment
At HTGROUP we are governed by very clear principles:
Provide value to society through a quality, professional, responsible and honest service, based on humane treatment and promoting sustainability.
Invest in technology and sustainable growth that have an impact on improving the quality of life of patients.
Encourage the preservation and protection of the environment, minimising pollution from our activity.
Promote a healthy work environment committed to equality and non-discrimination.
As evidence of the commitment to these principles, at HTGROUP we have implemented an Integrated Management System (SIG) for Quality, the Environment and Occupational Health and Safety in accordance with the reference standards:
UNE 179002: 2018 “Quality Management Systems for medical transport companies”.
ISO 45001:2018 “Occupational health and safety management systems”.
Thus, HTGROUP companies are audited and certified annually to assure compliance with standards.

The implementation of a Quality Management System goes beyond what is established in ISO 9001:2015: we have certified our companies in UNE 179002, focused on the development, implementation and certification of Quality Management Systems in companies dedicated to the medical transport of patients. Thus, we certify through external audits that we promote improvements in the outpatient care service, we optimise internal processes to be more efficient and we comply with the company’s goals and objectives.
In the performance of our activity, HTGROUP maintains our commitment to minimise and control the potential impacts that it may have on the environment. Our company’s Environmental Policy defines the principles of action to improve the environmental sustainability of HTGROUP and involves all employees in this common goal.
Additionally, our centres in the Canary Islands are certified in EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme, or Community Regulation of Eco-management and Eco-audit). This is a voluntary regulation by the European Union that recognizes those organisations that have implemented an Environmental Management System of Excellence

Occupational risk prevention is integrated into the SIG, encompassing all of our activities and our hierarchical levels. This is achieved through the implementation and application of an occupational risk prevention plan.
All the people who provide their professional services here, as well as the representatives, contribute to the integration of occupational risk prevention in HTGROUP. At the same time, they collaborate in the adoption and compliance with preventive measures through the participation that is recognized for them in chapter V of Law 31/1995, of November 8, on the Prevention of Occupational Risks